Monday 27 May 2013

Top Five People I Would Love To Meet

1. Billy Corgan
This had to be my first choice simply because to me, The Smashing Pumpkins are one of if not the best band ever. I'm a huge music buff and I would love to get the chance to talk to the person who wrote the lyrics I have sung so many times over. From what I can gather, he seems like a down to earth guy, but more importantly, he seems very interesting. I'd probably ask him a few questions about the music and how he wrote it and such, then I would love to see the conversation take off however it does. This would be the next best thing to a Pumpkins concert.

2. Stephen Hawking
He's a must. The discovery specials this guy has done or been on have been nothing short of great, and I can only imagine what goes on in his mind. The part that draws me to him the most is not his academic achievements and physics theories per say, but more the fact that he thinks outside the box. He is not confined to set rules on how to think and what the majority believes, and is not afraid to speak his mind when he thinks about something differently than someone else. I admire that and think it is awesome. He gives me hope that people are different than all the stuck up teachers that tell me how to live and think. And of course, his life has been fascinating. Confined to a wheelchair and what not, it would be incredible to hear his outlook on life and all of his experiences.

3. Bill Gates
Let's be honest, who wouldn't want to meet Bill Gates? One of the richest people in the world and owner of one of the biggest companies to boot. Undoubtedly he probably has some interesting stories to tell, and I would love to see what his personality is like. It'd also be cool to see how someone of his status and wealth spends his earnings. Plus, if we hit it off, he would not be a bad pal to have. They say money can't buy happiness, but who are we kidding it can buy some pretty awesome things.

4. Chris Hadfield
After all of his youtube videos, his media coverage and a pretty slick rendition of Space Oddity, Chris comes in at #4. Being a Canadian and all, I can't help but feel proud of him and all he's done. After I noticed him in the background of my brothers I-pod, I realized that he really is a great dude. He's the kind of guy that we would all strive to be, funny, smart and surprisingly down to earth for a guy that just spent 6 months in the space station. Someone we can all look up to. I can only imagine how awesome it would be to get to go zero-gravity in space, and hopefully he'd be able to tell me a few of his countless stories.

5. Sidney Crosby
Another Canadian for ya, and probably the best hockey player the world has ever seen. I am in fact a huge hockey fan, and I've played it ever since I was little. Watching him play is incredible; the composure he has, the hands, the shot, the general hockey 'sense' is just insane. Talking with him now would be more of a waste of time with his jaw the way it is, but I'd love to play a little one on one and show him whos really in charge.

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